
Greedy gluten free Black Forest

The Black Forest is one of those desserts that we often see in bakeries or pastries as an individual or in large cakes that make you want! I had already cracked and once made a black forest gluten-free and it was just a delight. Suddenly, rebel! I had cherries and a big chocolate craving, so it was settled. It doesn’t look like that, but it’s actually quite light as a cake mainly because it’s half whipped cream, so it’s not stuffy at all.

The cooking time of the genoise is only 15 minutes, so it is a gluten-free cake suitable for the summer and its hot temperatures while guaranteeing a good share of gourmet! I took the Sunny Delicacies Black Forest recipe as a base, but I modified the genoese because I found it was not inflated enough to make three layers worthy of the name last time. I changed the composition of the morello cherry syrup, too sweet for my taste and I also increased the amount of whipped cream, it was a bit just to cover the whole cake.

You can do it in the round, in the rectangle, in the heart, even in individual moulds, the only thing you have to pay attention to is that the cooking time will be reduced. I decorated with chocolate chips but you can let your imagination speak and make your Picasso! ;)

For 8 people:

Preparation time: 2 hours



For the Genoese:

• 6 eggs

• 100 g sugar

• 60 g cornstarch

• 60 g rice flour

• 35 g almond powder

• 40 g cocoa powder

• 2 tablespoons of lifting powder

For the soaking syrup:

• 1 jar of cherries in syrup (I took the amarena brand jar)

• 1 dc cinnamon

• 1 dc cornstarch

• 2 c.s. of kirsh (optional for children)

For whipped cream:

• 65 cl cream

• 50 g sugar

• 1 bag of whipped cream stick (optional)

Recipe :

For the Genoese:

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2. In a bowl, beat the sugar and eggs until the mixture doubles in volume and becomes white and slightly syrupy.
3. Pour in the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder and mix again.
4. Butter a square or round pan high enough and pour in the dough. Bake for 15 minutes.
5. Once out of the oven, turn the cake upside down so the cake doesn’t have a bump on top and let cool. Meanwhile, make the syrup.

For the syrup:

1. Pour all the syrup from the jar into a saucepan (for the jar of amareno, the total volume of the syrup is 25 cl, for the other jars, you will have to measure).
2. Boil the juice with the sugar and cinnamon over medium-low heat.
3. Next, mix 4 tablespoons of cold syrup with a teaspoon of cornstarch and mix with the rest in the pan.
4. Mix continuously until it thickens and then add the kirsch.


For whipped cream:

1. Pour the fresh cream into a salad bowl and refrigerated whisks for at least one hour.
2. Whisk the cream until it thickens, then add the sugar and whipped fix bag if you have any (this will help the cream fit well on the cake).

For mounting:

1. Cut the sponge cake in three. Soak the sponge disc at the base of the cake with morello cherry syrup with a brush or tablespoon.
2. Then cover it with a layer of whipped cream with a spoon or spatula.
3. If you have a cake in the shape of a round, make spirals of whipped cream leaving a large space between them on your disc. If it is square, simply draw lines and fill the spaces with your morello cherries.
4. Place the second sponge disc on top and repeat. On the last disc of genoise, brush it with syrup and cover the whole cake with whipped cream on the sides and top. Cut a bar of chocolate and, using a peeler, grate the chocolate to sprinkle the cake. Put a minimum of one hour in the fridge, so it become cool. It is ready to be devoured!




Tell us in comment what this has done for you, or if you have any questions about the realization. ^^