
Creamy and easy creme brulee :

French dessert par excellence, which is retoruve in almost all restaurants in France, it looks so distinguished and yet it is so simple to make, I assure you !

Easy to make and requiring only few ingredients, its delicious caramelized taste is a pleasure for all gourmets!


  • 1/2 L of milk

  • 1/4 cup of whole liquid cream

  • 1 vanilla bean

  • 4 egg yolks

  • 30 to 50 g powdered sugar + brown sugar


1. Preheat the oven to 160 °C.

2. Infuse the vanilla in the warm milk for about 15 minutes over low heat.

3. Add the cream and reheat until it simmers. Pour over the egg-sugar mixture and mix well.

4. Pour into containers and bake for 35 minutes until a skin forms on the surface without any discoloration. You can sprinkle it with sugar and make it caramelize with a torch or eat it like that.

It’s ready, you can enjoy it hot or cold!

The small + :

You can add red fruits inside before baking to make a creme in the oven, it’s excellent!